Central New York Paintball Fields
I posted these without permission, just trying to support and promote our local fields here in Central and Eastern/Western NY. If you want me to remove your field, or if you want me to add your field please contact me here!
New to Paintball?
Your First Paintball Outing! The Top 7 Things to Know.
If you're reading this, I think it's safe to say you might have a slight case of the butterflies. It's normal... and it's good. That's part of the excitement of going out to play paintball for the first time. I still remember my first...
CNY Paintball Tech News
Now Offering Paintball CO2 Tank Refills in Syracuse, NY
CNY Paintball Tech is now offering CO2 tank refills in Syracuse and surrounding areas! Check out the services page for more details or go to the Contact Page to contact me about getting your tanks filled. Part of the reason I started this...
CNY Paintball Tech is Open for Business!
It is with great joy that I am opening my first Paintball-related business. I've been a paintball fanatic for about 24 years and I am a highly skilled tech geek with everything from pneumatics and robotics to electronics, website building...
Repair & Technical Articles
Fixing an ANS Gen X II Regulator
Note: None of the links here are affiliate links. I don't earn anything by linking things, I just like supporting the paintball community and providing links for your reference so you know what I'm talking about. ANS Gen X2 Rebuild Kits I...
SPLAT! (Everything Else)
Help Me Buy a Fill Station and Get Free Air for 5 Years!
As I start up this venture here, I realized that HPA (High Pressure Air) and CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is not very available here in Syracuse, NY, especially from a Paintball-Focused business. I'm willing to set myself up with an HPA and CO2...